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Judy A. Laslie, Radnor House Publishing,
2371 Radnor Suite D, Birmingham, MI 48009-1563

1995. 2nd printing 1997, 6" x 9", 128 pp
ISBN 0-9650218-3-1, $14.95US



You probably think there is room for improvement in the quality of your life or you wouldn't open this book. Are you looking for insight into what life is all about and how to free yourself to live life to the fullest each day?

This is a book about your life and a system for helping you understand yourself and others. I wrote it to share the good news of your fabulous potential through your increased awareness (knowledge) of using positive self-talk and other techniques which promote stress-free living. A better world starts inside each of us. This book will encourage and inspire you to accept yourself, love yourself, and really think good thoughts about yourself. On that foundation you can then accept and love others. The word accept appears again and again here and is basic to the understanding of my premise. I mean for you to accept, embrace, and love yourself just because of who you are. You are God's child. Within you is divinity, your higher self, your God power, and this knowledge of who you are will help you "bloom where you grow".


I know my simple, direct method of explaining about the condition we call life is effective because I have shared this information with literally thousands of people since the late 1970s and have received enthusiastic feedback of positive results. What I share with others really helps them see themselves, their lives, and others in a beautiful way.

The information in this book is based on sound universal truths gathered from many disciplines and presented in logical sequence. The spiritual values discussed do not oppose the basic premise of organized religions as far as I'm concerned. I actively participate in groups representing both spiritual and religious interests and have done so for many years.

Our God Nature

We are all part of God. We are "chips from the block" if you want to think of our source in that manner. I think of our relationship to God this way: if I take a teaspoonful of water from the ocean to analyze it in a chemistry lab, the chemical content is identical to the ocean. We are identical to God. We are created in God's image. So, we have always existed and always will. God doesn't just love "good" children. God loves us all no matter what because we have always been part of God.


Just because you may perceive you were unwanted, unloved, or suffered yesterday doesn't mean you must set yourself up to maintain that position today, tomorrow, and always. When have you suffered enough? Let go of the perceived woes of the past to free yourself to live with love and joy today. Letting go is so easy to do if you think it's easy. You make it very difficult to let go if that is your belief. Be careful what you tell yourself.

Basic Question

The logic of my thinking is you are here, and you are going to live Life. Are you going to live it lovingly and joyously or miserably and bitterly? There is comfort and potential for a fabulous life, as I have described it to you. I believe this is the way it works. If I am wrong, the worst thing that happens to you is you think you had a wonderful life. Where is the harm?

Part II
Explanation of This Section

The chances are nine aspects of your humanness or nine lessons to experience so you fully learn about life. They are nine different energies you learn to handle. I refer to them as Chances but they may be called opportunities as well.

This part of the book requires your active participation to determine which Chances apply to you personally, or whomever you want to understand . . .

The Chances explain what you want to accomplish with your life . . .

The numbers one through nine assigned to the Chances have universal, symbolic meaning. If you aren't familiar with the scientific meaning inherent in numbers, you might easily dismiss The 9 Chances as worthless, or meaningless. I would have thought the idea ridiculous and absurd at one time myself . . .

Thousands of counseling sessions have thoroughly convinced me of the accuracy. I would be a fool to deny the validity of this method when I know how well this tool works . . .