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Judy A. Laslie, Radnor House Publishing,
2371 Radnor Suite D, Birmingham, MI 48009-1563

1995. 2nd printing 1997, 6" x 9", 128 pp
ISBN 0-9650218-3-1, $14.95US

About the Author

After graduating from Ball State University, Laslie launched a teaching career which led to further education at workshops in Transactional Analysis, cognitive therapy, stress reduction, assertiveness, journal writing, holistic healing, metaphysics, parapsychology, and handwriting analysis.

She studied universal truths with International Order of Coptics, experienced Dr. Romero's Symposium, and initiated into First Degree Reiki. Laslie is a graduate of Silva Mind Control and member of *Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship International for many years.

Personal appearances include TV and talk radio shows across the country, holistic nurses associations, recovery groups, Mom's groups, metaphysical fairs, Unity churches, Light expos, graduation all-night parties, workshops, and guest lecturing in classrooms.

9 Chances to Feel Good About Yourself is the result of repeated requests from thousands of individuals Laslie counseled to feel better about themselves, their loved ones, associates, employees, and others. People look at life in a more positive, holistic way after hearing her views.

An award winning health food store in Birmingham, Michigan is Laslie's current base of operation as she counsels people on marriage, health, bereavement, wayward children, business, and careers. Clients love her see the glass half-full, make lemonade out of lemons, holistic approach to life.